Friday, March 28, 2008

Fighting Back Mentor Program Video

This is the program that I coordinate. :-) We made this video in January.

Real kids, real stories.

We are having our annual "Mission for Mentors" Telethon on KEYT Channel 3 this coming Tuesday, April 8th from 5-8 p.m. Check us out! :-)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


i've been thinking about jonah recently and now have some questions.

1. why did god choose to use jonah to bring his message to the ninevites when jonah's heart was SO not into it? in fact jonah was directly opposed to the whole idea, did not share god's heart for the people, and attempted to run away from the call god had on his life?

interesting choice...perhaps "god's will" for our lives is not all about our interests and our "heart" or "passion" for something...maybe "god's will" has more to do with what GOD wants and what HIS plans are...maybe we're the ones who are supposed to be flexible instead of assuming that just because we have certain desires that is where he has something to think about...

2. isn't it interesting how jonah was one of the most effective prophets in the sense that the people he shared with actually repented and turned toward god? so often this was NOT the response...even after the fact, jonah did not rejoice in god's work...

thoughts? ideas? comments?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

psalm 73

this is a psalm that i can relate to lately. (you'd have to read the whole psalm for the complete picture, but these verses are particularly salient for where i'm at right now.)

psalm 73:21-23
"then i realized that my heart was bitter, and i was all torn up inside. i was so foolish and ignorant--i must have seemed like a senseless animal to you. yet i still belong to you; you hold my right hand."

right now, as always, i am in need of jesus, but i have this terrible predicament i am creating--i am totally avoiding him. why? i'm not totally sure. i am not setting aside regular times, my time in the word is squeezed in when convenient, and overall, i am not really open to what the lord has to say. honest? yes. uplifting? not so much.

how did i get here? not totally sure. probably somewhat of a slippery slope. bleh. i am not a fan of "here" especially when i know i need to be "there" yet am very unmotivated to move. perhaps motivation doesn't matter. perhaps this whole matter is one of discipline...(see hebrews 12:11) in any case, i cannot do this on my own.

jesus and lisa combo please. with more jesus and less lisa.

Monday, March 3, 2008


i'm not generally a fan, but in this case something must change.
i don't want to sound overly dramatic, but sometimes change is a must.
this is one of those times.

it also seems important to note that change is not instantaneous, and it is not easy.
quite frankly, without the lord, the sort of change i am referring to is not possible.

with god all things are possible.

faith is a necessity.

help, lord.