Tuesday, January 29, 2008

faithful and present.

for some reason, the following truth has been ringing in my head the past few days:

god is not only faithful, he is also present. (as in present in my life, in my circumstances, in my world. not just present in the universe at large.)

i think that it's easy for me to fall into the trap of viewing god as a "faithful" god who's "somewhere out there" overseeing everything, making sure it will eventually work out in the end. this is NOT the god of the bible. the god of the bible, the one true god, is intimately acquainted with all of my ways. he knows when i lie down and when i rise, my coming and my going. this is the god i trust with my life and the lives of those i care about. let's be honest, no one is stoked on a distant god who is minimally involved. our god is one who wants to be involved in every detail of our lives. will we (will i) let him?

god IS good!

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