Thursday, July 2, 2009


danicarse said...

I think the vast majority of people go into a marriage thinking that it will be forever. Who wants to get divorced? ugh! That being said, I think good communication, love and common values are KEY! Those three qualities are important, but can also apply to a best friend. I DO think physical attraction is important as well. Nothing is ever really 50 / 50, but rather varies depending on the needs / desires of the people involved. I think meeting, dating, and really getting to know your life partner is crucial. How do you communicate with each other? How do you resolve a conflict? (HUGE) Sex and money can be giant issues when conflicting ideas arise. Know yourself and your partner well. What flaws are you comfortable with? Which are deal breakers? You'll get to know the answers to those questions as you learn about how you work as a couple. (as for 23 "getting up there".... you're making me feel OLD! ) :) I hope this helps. I like watching your videos and I hope you don't mind me commenting.

lisa falcone said...

i'm glad you enjoy my random ramblings. ha. :-) i certainly don't mind your comments.