Wednesday, October 31, 2007


ok. so shortly after posting my previous comment yesterday, i went to take a shower and jesus said something. (he does that sometimes.) check it out:

jesus: lisa, remember matthew 6:33-34? "but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. so do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. each day has enough trouble of its own." if you simply seek me, i really will take care of the rest including the whole relationship thing.
lisa: that sounds so simple.
jesus: it isn't complicated. :-) seek me, and i'll give you further direction as needed. following me isn't some formula you have to figure out, it's a relationship...i'll make sure that you know what you need to do when it's time to do it.
lisa: cool, god. let's do that. :-)


Kjaere said...

Yeup.... that's right on my friend :-)

bala7 said...
