Friday, November 9, 2007

the concept of "more."

the "more" of the lord isn't just for someone else, it's for me too.

i know that probably didn't make a whole let of sense, but allow me to explain. often times i seem to get into the mindset that what i have of the lord is supposed to be enough, and that is not necessarily the case...sometimes the lord may be asking me to press into him as he has more to give. it seems that so often i assume the lord has "more" to give to others, to those around me, but that i am supposed to somehow make it on what i have.

when the israelites were in the wilderness, did not the lord provide fresh manna each day? god does not expect nor does he want me to attempt to live on "day old manna." he has more for me. so much more. i just need to ask, seek, and knock.

pressing's crucial.

help me, lord! when i am weak, you are strong.

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