Tuesday, December 18, 2007

standing on the rock.

the other day i had this thought that the theme of 2008 may be "set your feet upon the rock." thinking back to the last month and looking ahead to the next months, it makes a lot of sense that this would be the theme...all this sounds very challenging and not any easier or more comfortable than last year. :-( i guess god's not really into easy or comfortable for that matter. his goal is my character not my comfort. so true. not that life with jesus won't ever be fun, but it's certainly not all fun and games. jesus' life wasn't like that, why would i expect mine to be?

last year's theme was "fix your eyes on jesus." god's plan is not for me to live some safe, comfortable, status quo life so i better give up any remnant of that dream right now! help me, lord! setting my feet upon the rock. my foundation needs to be the rock. that way when the rains come down and the floods come up, the house on the rock will stand firm. no matter what people say, no matter the opposition, the discomfort, no matter what, i need to stand firm on the rock. jesus is that rock, and his word has to be my foundation. so much to learn...2008 here we come.

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