Friday, December 28, 2007

<-- dIrEcTiOn -->

which way to go? what to focus on? how to prioritize? these are my questions. looking ahead to 2008, wanting it to be "great." i am trying to spend some time thinking about what my role needs to be in that...i want to live my life to the fullest and make the most of every opporunity. i want to avoid the common traps of storing up treasure on earth and leaving my storage space in heaven vacant. i want to resist the pressure of making work my life and pleasing people my goal. i want to be who god made me to be, live how he wants me to live, and invest where he has for me to invest. he already has good works planned out for me; i don't need to veer off the path and try to create my own.

i want to have an attitude like christ jesus, who being god in the flesh did not consider equality with god something to go after, but instead, made himself a servant. so...where do i begin? and how do i avoid making my life all about "doing" the right thing? i definitely want to have the relational basis in place. i want what i do to be the overflow of an intimate relationship with jesus christ. i want jesus to be the motivating factor behind all of my actions and decisions. i guess that is where all of this begins. establishing relational intimacy with the creator of the universe. glad he didn't make it complicated. he made it pretty simple in fact. all i need to do is spend time at his feet and in his word. time and humility. willingness to allow him to make me into who he has designed me to be all along. why wouldn't i want to be that person? cuz it's hard, scary, unknown to me. well, all those things aside, it is so much better than anything else i could imagine. so what direction am i headed in 2008? hopefully, wherever the lord leads. glad i have the holy spirit as my personal guide. :-)


Kelly O'Bar said...

Wow girl. You and I are of the same mind! Awesome!

lisa falcone said...

this is why we need to hang out. :-)