Tuesday, August 7, 2007

done with neutral.

no more walking the line. i am so over being miss neutrality. jesus calls us to be either hot or cold; he's not down with the whole lukewarm thing. lately i have spent some time thinking about how i can actively be a witness of jesus to those around me. i have come to the conclusion that this may require me to say something at some point. (duh, right?) i woke up today and purposed in my heart that i am over the whole neutral gig. my identity is in christ, and i plan to be who he created me to be--like it or not. does this give me a license to do and say whatever i please? of course not! it gives me the freedom to step out in faith, be who he made me to be, and to turn around when i get out of line. the dangerous thing about being me is that people won't be like, "oh, lisa, she's a nice person." being bold and being me means that some people will love me and some people will hate me. oh well. my identity is hidden in christ, not in the opinions of men. of course, as far as it depends on me, i plan to live at peace with people, but when there's a conflict of interest between god and people, i have to go with god. so yes. this is my decision, and there shall be no turning back. will this be easy? of course not. it will definitely be difficult and shall require perserverance and endurance. my hope is in the lord, and his word says that if my hope is in him, i will not be disappointed!!

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