Friday, August 31, 2007

no more underestimating the lord!

anyone else out there underestimate god much? i do. all the time. am i proud of that? no, but it's the reality of my life. a reality i am hoping to change.

here's the truth: ALL things are possible with jesus. from here on out, i have decided that i'm going to believe the reality that there's not a single thing that god cannot accomplish in and through me as long as i am submitted to him. a big claim? maybe, but i serve a big god!

i am so sick and tired of claiming, "i can't, lord" or "not me," and i'm pretty sure he's tired of it too. god is extremely patient with me, but i don't want to be like the corinthians who just weren't growing and maturing like they should have been. i want to grow and learn. i don't want to be stuck on the same lesson over and over. that is never fun.

check out what jesus had to say about our lives. he claimed that we would do greater things than he did. are you serious? greater things than jesus? yep. totally serious. check it out for yourself. john 14:12. this was followed up with the assurance that god really does answer our prayers.

so if god said that we would do greater things than he did, why isn't it happening? maybe because we're not willing or we don't really believe it could be true? i want to be one who says, "here i am, lord. send me." where's he going to "send me"? right now, he has me in my home, at my workplace, and in my church. daily life, people. that is where god has me, and your life is where he has you. how does he want to use us? to bring glory to himself and to draw people into relationship with him. those are pretty amazing tasks, but we have a pretty amazing god.

i challenge you to make yourself available to the lord this next month and see what he does. i know he'll do above and beyond. anyone with me?

disclaimer: this is NOT going to be easy. in fact, it is quite likely that it will be rather challenging and often times not fun. however, we are not doing any of this alone. we have the holy spirit living inside of us.

1 comment:

Kjaere said...

That's a good place to be my friend...

I just have one question that's been bugging me ever since you started your blog...

Why don't you ever capitalize anything? Especially when referring to God, or Jesus, or the Lord? It's just one of those things that bugs me... not a big deal... things just bug me sometimes!

Keep blogging... upper case or lower case, 'cause I'll still be reading :-)