Thursday, June 21, 2007

jesus, be the center

i NEED, NEED jesus to be the center of my life is not about me. i am not to live my life looking first to my own needs, wants, etc. also, my life isn't about if i'm the most amazing, most loved, most successful person. my life needs to be about jesus and seeking him. even if that means i don't get the things, attention, friends, whatever i think i want. guess what? jesus knows what i really want, and as i've pointed out before he is the giver of every good and perfect gift. why don't i trust him more? let's be honest, when i do trust him, it rocks my world. he is always so incredibly faithful, and he goes above and beyond. i hate not trusting god more. this isn't some essay on how much better life is with jesus (although that is the truth), this is a journal entry from a girl who is over her life not being enough about jesus (why i'm posting it for you to read, i don't know, but apparently i am). i'm definitely entering into a new season of life, and i need jesus to be the center. i don't want my relationship with jesus to be mundane. i don't want it to be routine. i want it to be the realationship of my lifetime. i just need to fix my eyes on him, take them off of all the other things in my life, and submit to his leading. lord, i know your plans are good, and i really do wanna walk in them. please do what it takes to make that happen. thanks, god, for hearing and answering. i look forward to being closer to you.


KATEE said...

how am I to comment?
So cool how the more we fall in love with Jesus, the more we look to Him even when we don't feel we are there... the more He captures us and we forget about ourselves... that's the nature of love--- becoming so caught up in the other to whom we are loving (Jesus) that we forget about ourselves and His good becomes our good... and as we see His response to our loving Him (crazy that our love means that much to Him, the God of the Universe!!!) but it does and that is a good that far outweighs everything--- beyond words... beyond words... beyond

i love you lisa--- your honesty and hunger and holy dissatisfaction are humbling at best.

lisa falcone said...

falling in love with jesus is pretty amazing. i need more of that in my life. you know the best thing about falling in love with jesus? he always loves you back and never breaks your heart...unlike other people can... :-)