Tuesday, June 12, 2007

sometimes i just wanna run away...

ever get that feeling like you just wanna run away from everything that's going on in your life? i kinda feel like that today. not that my life isn't good, but sometimes it seems that running away would be the easiest option. you get to go somewhere new, start over, have a fresh slate...that is my romanticized version of running away. in reality, it probably wouldn't be so care free, easy, or simple, and there would for sure be things and people i would miss. i pretty much feel that i'm where i'm supposed to be for now; i just need to figure out what that really means. what am i called to? how should i spend my time and energy? what should my priorities be? so many questions, and so few direct answers. all that i know for sure is that i need to be planted where i'm at...whatever that means. i declined two job offers today, and i'm not totally sure what's next. we shall see. i will keep ya posted. i know the lord has it all under control. the key point is that it's all under HIS control, not mine.

1 comment:

KATEE said...

"Bloom where you're planted." And you do and will continue to because your right, He is in control because you've allowed that and that's just another reason why I admire you so Lisa Falcone---
Keep lovin' Jesus before everything and everyone... your trust in Him alone is encouraging! oooooo such intimacy!
love you girly girl!