Monday, June 25, 2007

a little update...

so lately life has been a little crazy. it's been good but busy. the obvious statement of the day is that work takes a lot of time. duh. but now that i'm actually doing it, it's even more obvious. at least work is good. thank you, lord. gotta love how the lord provides for every situation, work included. lately, i have been realizing to a greater degree how much god really has his hands all over my little life. i'm really excited about that because it allows me to have greater anticipation and faith for the future, my future in particular. i have long understood that god provides for me, but it is only recently that i have begun to understand that he is a loving father who takes into consideration my desires when making provisions. not that i will always have everything i want or every situation will match my little dream, it won't. but god is good. he knows me better than i know myself, loves me more than i love myself, and he's the one who's got it all in his hands. who would you rather have doing your life planning? a few weeks ago i made a post about marriage...i've returned to that topic a few times recently (why? i don't know, maybe because i'm a girl?), but this time more with anticipation rather than fear or dread. i know that god has it all under his control, and he'll work out that area of my life in his timing. so glad i don't have to figure it all out or secure the perfect (or at least god-following, lisa-loving ;-) ) husband. it's been cool to realize god's goodness and to be reminded of his faithfulness. these reminders have allowed me to trust him more with areas of my heart and life that i really want to go a certain way (eg. marriage, relationships, etc.). i know that god's way is the best way, and who doesn't want the best in their lives? i do. (random sidenote: i know that life doesn't always seem to be "the best," and if your life's shambles right now, be encouraged because god still has it in his hands. our lives are continually a work in progress. gotta love how our god never gives up.)

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