I thought I would post a pic of "Job Interview Lisa." Today was interview #8! So many interviews...at least I can honestly say that I feel fairly comfortable in the interview setting by this point. It's actually not that bad, but I am hoping to be near the end of the job search process. I am pretty interested to see what the Lord has in store for me this next season of life. Whatever it is, I know that He has a purpose and that it will be good. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17) My God is so good! I especially love the part about not changing. Right now, it kinda seems that everything around me is changing, but not my Jesus. :-) Gotta love the steadfastness of the Lord. I do!
You should apply at Westmont, tee hee!
I just left my job, you can have my position playing with pre schoolers all day :-)
Not that you really need more choices... just love Jesus, He'll take care of you!
hmmm... now I need to find a job :-(
You look great! Prayin for ya! :)
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