Friday, June 1, 2007

so how are me and jesus??

thought for the day--am i actually growing closer to the lord and genuinely becoming more like him or am i simply attempting to mimick him? allow me to explain what i mean by this...i want to be someone who genuinely seeks after the lord and serves him wholeheartedly. i never want to be somebody who simply attempts to make my life match up with biblical principles (think pharisee or legalist). the road of relying on my own strength or simply trying to make my life match what the bible says it should look like for the sake of doing the right thing ultimately leads to failure. god's standard of perfection and completeness necessitates reliance upon the holy spirit. sometimes i feel like i'm so concerned with doing the right thing that i miss out on just being in those intimate times with the lord. he cares so much more about my relationship with him than any decision i need to make, and on top of that, the natural outflow of an intimate relationship with jesus is that i will become more like him. anyone who's spent any time at the feet of jesus knows there's no place they'd rather be. so on that note, i think my only goal for the month of june (i'm for sure a goal setter) is that i will spend my time at the feet of jesus. obviously i'm not going to be on my knees all day every day, but i want to mindfully live my life with jesus, submit my decisions and daily life to him. i want to become more like jesus this month. the best thing is that i can be confident he wants that too! gotta love when you know you're praying god's will!

1 comment:

Kjaere said...

Welcome to blog world my friend! Keep loving Jesus... you are doing an amazing job! The Lord works on behalf of those who wait for Him ~ Isaiah 64:4