Tuesday, July 31, 2007


so after i'm finished pouring out my heart before the lord, do i take the time to listen? i feel like i've poured my heart out a lot lately, but i need to do more listening. more listening and more praying for other people. along the lines of the selfishness thing, i need to be more selfless in my prayer life. my life is not about me in any way, shape, or form. my questions need to not be centered around the topic of "is this best for me?" they need to be "your will, not mine." instead of looking to the lord for answers i want, i need to approach him on the behalf of other people and spend time before him listening to what he has to say. that's where i need to be. that's where i want to be.

a couple of my goals for august are to pray more for other people and to spend more time listening to the lord. can i do this on my own? not so much. but with the lord? for sure! all things are possible with jesus. boldness, faith, and patience. three things i need more of, and three things i have access to in christ jesus. i love that the lord is more than able and more than willing. i don't even have to beg him to help me. if i ask, he has promised i will receive. i love that he gave us promises. they are so reassuring, especially when things are crazy. the lord--he is so good!

1 comment:

June said...

What in the Sam Hill...it's LISA FALCONE! HELLO!