Tuesday, July 17, 2007


"if it doesn't bring freedom, it's not from the lord."--from jesus to lisa

the lord...he's so good. his word...it's so true.

2 corinthians 3:17
"now the lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom."

love you, lord. help me to live according to your word. your will be done in my life. help me to trust you with my whole heart and life.


bala7 said...

i've been singing that all day: "where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom...freedom reigns in this place...."

hehe what's next on our list lisa? i bet there's somethin...bring it on Jesus!

KATEE said...

Gal. 5:1
IT WAS FOR FREEDOM that Christ has set you, stand! and do not what?
IT WAS FOR FREEDOM... not for anything else, not for people, not for ministry, but FOR FREEDOM!!!
you rock lisa! thanks for loving Jesus and going after godliness and holiness...