Sunday, July 29, 2007

what do i have to show?

so lately i've been doing some thinking...what about my life is something that other people would want? what makes my lifestyle more than "just another option"? why is jesus better than all the other ways? why is he THE way, THE truth, and THE life? what makes a relationship with jesus desirable to non-believers? those have been some of my questions. of course god created all humanity with the capacity to have an intimate relationship with him, and each and every person was designed with a deep longing to know jesus and to be fully known by him. but does my life show that being in relationship with jesus is deeply satisfying or am i too caught up in myself and my own little world? in the midst of all these questions, i have been convicted to live like knowing jesus makes a difference, to walk in the victory the lord bled, died, and rose again for. if i'm not living my life pointing back to christ, what's the point? there's not one. let's be honest, unless my life points others to christ, i'm not doing a whole lot of good. my job is to "let my light shine before men." so time to be real. ok, jesus, me and you. our relationship on open display. help me to live like knowing you is the greatest thing in my life. because it is. your word says i am to be known by my love. that's gotta be you, lord.

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