Monday, July 9, 2007

in christ...

"remain in me, and i will reamin in you. for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. yes, i am the vine; you are the branches. those who remain in me, and i in them, will produce much fruit. for apart from me you can do nothing." (john 15:4-5)

this is what i need. i think i've got the "apart from me you can do nothing" thing down. now it's time to actively pursue the "remain in me and bear much fruit" thing. instead of focusing solely on how i can do absolutely nothing on my own, i need to also remember that "i can do all things through christ who strengthens me." (philippians 4:13) if i only focus on my own inability and weakness, i will never achieve the victory god has planned for me. i am MORE than a conqueror in christ jesus, and it's time to live like it! i'm over apathy and just coasting along. i don't want to attempt things in my own strength, but i do want to walk in ALL the lord has for me. why? because i know that's what he wants. guess what? that's what he wants for you too. he delights in using us to accomplish his will. why else are we here? to live our own little lives? i think not! my life is not about me. it's all about loving jesus and loving others. help me in that, lord! i can't do it on my own, but in you, i have all i need for life and godliness!


bala7 said...

amen sista!

Becky Dellar said...

Hi!! Bekah sent me your blog!! I am so excited to read them every once in a while!! :D Lisa, you are such a treasure!!

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa,

you don't know me, so this might sound really strange, but my daughter is starting her freshman year at Westmont this fall. I was wondering if I could ask you some "practical" questions about life in Westmont. We are from NY state, so it isn't easy for us to make contacts in California yet. If you think this is kinda creepy, that's ok and won't be offended if you don't want to talk.